Scouts is the oldest section of the Scouting family which caters for 10½-14 years old. Scouts was started in 1907 when Lord Robert Baden Powell held his first scout meeting on Brownsea Island.
Each Scout group is called Scout Troop made up of Patrols (teams) of 4 to 8 scouts. Each Patrol is lead by a Patrol Leader (PL) and Assistant Patrol Leader (APL) who are responsible for looking after the younger scouts in their patrol. The PLs and APLs assist the leaders in running the troop and help plan the programme and other activities.
Because Scouts is aimed at the early teenagers, the activities on offer are focused on developing their life skills from outdoor and adventure to leadership skills. Over the 3½ years, the scouts will take part in many camps, games, outdoor and indoor activities (archery, climbing, rifle shooting etc).
All scouts have a great time and come away with many stories they will remember for many years.
When a scout reaches 14 it is time for them to move onto Explorers.
Subs are paid to the section regularly at £40 a term (3 terms a year). These subs are for activities within your child’s section and insurance. Details on how to pay this is below.
Gift Aid
The Scout Group runs a Gift Aid scheme, whereby the group can claim back from the Government the tax paid on subs. This is purely voluntary and at least one parent must be paying an amount of income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax we reclaim on the payments.
Please see the Gift Aid declaration form and if you have any queries with this please contact the Groups Gift Aid coordinator or a leader.
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